Some tricks to improve your sex life

Be better in bed … that would fix a lot of family issues. Here are several tricks about how to be better in your sex life and what benefits this brings to your life. Work on the mental aspect and maintain self-respect. It is vital to work with your own psychic as well as taking care of your body. Be creative and push your imagination and eroticism to the limits. Live, get rid of the monotony, life is beautiful! Sincere communication with the partner Regardless of the problem, everything can be solved with the help of honest communication with the partner. Each person reacts differently to the situations they face, but that should not stop you from being honest with your partner and finding the best solution together to solve any problem.

Think of Foreplay as a Long-Term Act: Jaffrey notes that setting the mood for sex is vital, for women especially, and that foreplay should start long before sex even begins: “I am talking here about the mental foreplay that happens days in advance, not the one that you have just before sex. Make sure to be attentive to your partner. Small gestures and nice comments are significant to setting the right mood for sex.” She also suggests keeping up communication during the day through texts or emails.

Giving pleasure is wonderful, but there is a barely-talked-about anxiety that can come along with truly being able to receive pleasure from someone else. Whether it stems from growing up in a sexually repressed household, or being raised in a culture that sexually shames us left, right, and centre, a lot of people have hang ups about receiving sexual pleasure.

Sure, as trivial as it sounds, doing housework together not only makes you better roommates that are less likely to blow up over a stack of dishes, but also helps couples have more satisfying sex. According to a 2016 study published in the Journal of Marriage and Family, sharing household duties encourages an “eroticism of fairness,” in which there’s a turn on from both genders sharing roles that are traditionally relegated to women exclusively. Scientific proof that partners who want to share cooking and cleaning duties are sexier in the bedroom? Say no more. See additional details by reading this article here.

Make some noise. “Don’t be afraid to be loud,” says another guy. Unless, of course, you’re trying not to wake the kids. Don’t worry about how you look. “While making love, try to let go of any nervousness about how you think your body looks,” says one man. “Seeing the body one is making love to is part of the lovemaking! If the man wants you, chances are he wants to see it and he will be grateful if you let him. Throw away any negative body image and be fully in the moment!”